Benefits of Milk Thistle liver tonic supplement

Milk Thistle is a flowering prickly plant that belongs to the same family of plants as a daisy. It is a remedy with herbal properties. This plant is also known as Silybum marianum. A group of plant compounds collectively called silymarin is the active ingredient found in this plant. This active ingredient, silymarin which is found in the seeds of milk thistle has antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties. This plant can usually be found in Mediterranean countries and is used to make natural remedies.

Since ancient times it has been used as a natural remedy for treating many ailments. Different parts of this plant are used to treat various health issues. It is commonly used for liver problems and often known as liver tonic

Apart from eating stem and leaves of milk thistle in a salad, there are no other food sources of this herb, so, it is taken in the form of supplements by Roncuvita on daily basis. Start your journey of health with the help of these supplements. Apart from traditionally being used to treat liver and gall bladder disorders, here are some lesser-known Milk thistle benefits:

Benefits of Milk Thistle liver tonic supplement

Say hello to healthy skin:

Acne, becoming the most common problem faced by teenagers; while acne might not be dangerous, it can cause scars. Some people may experience painful acne and, also worry about the effects it may have on their appearance. According to a study conducted in 2015, due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, milk thistle may be a useful supplement for people with acne.

Stronger Bones:

Milk Thistle has proved to play an essential role in promoting healthy bones. Osteoporosis is caused by progressive bone loss and usually develops over a period, causing fragile bones. A study found that milk thistle helped to prevent the bone loss that is caused by a deficiency in estrogen. Researchers suggest that milk thistle may prove to be helpful in preventing or delaying bone loss.

Boosting breast milk production:

There are no magic potions that can increase the production of breast milk, but milk thistle supplements like Ruconvita may boost breast milk production in lactating mothers. Milk thistle is thought to induce a milk-producing hormone called prolactin.

Other Benefits:

Apart from these benefits, Milk Thistle liver detox supplements have other benefits that include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Controls Blood Sugar Level
  • Enhances Liver Health
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Reduces Cholesterol

Make sure to take advice:

Milk Thistle is a fascinating herb that can be used as a complementary therapy for various conditions. It has a range of potential health benefits due to its antioxidant properties. As with any natural remedy, people should discuss it with a doctor. That said, Roncuvita Milk Thistle liver capsule (Approved from FSSAI) is a safe and healthful supplement that may be worth trying along with conventional treatment, which is available on Amazon: Milk thistle capsule for Liver.

Milk thistle liver detox capsule

The idea of taking milk thistle seems a good idea to many persons with hepatitis C, but are the claims of these products able to stand up to science.

The liver is a complex and multi-functional organ: detoxing the body, making bile, filtering blood, making cholesterol and special proteins to carry fats throughout the body. This organ is no ‘small potatoes.’ When a person is faced with a liver-affecting diagnosis like hepatitis C, it is natural to look into supplements and medications that can help liver detox  and boost your liver function.

Milk thistle has long been touted as a go-to liver detoxification supplement, but is there evidence to support those claims? This series of articles will examine a select few of these supplements: their claims and truly examine the facts versus the fiction  

Their product, Milk Thistle with 80% Silymarin claims that it:

  • Will protect and create new   liver cells
  • Lowers cholesterol and hangover symptoms
  • Supports the body by cleansing toxins

Milk thistle a.k.a liver tonic is an herb related to the daisy and ragweed family. The active substance in milk thistle is silymarin, which is made up of several natural plant chemicals. Lab studiesTrusted Source suggest that silymarin helps regenerate liver tissue, bring down inflammation, and protect liver cells from damage by acting as an antioxidant. Human studies have been mixedTrusted Source on its benefits, though. Milk thistle capsule has been used to treat liver disorders for more than 2,000 years. It’s the herbal ingredient most often usedTrusted Source for liver complaints in the United States.