Biotin the best way to promotes hair growth and hair health

Biotin — also known as vitamin B7 — is a B-complex vitamin that helps your body breaks down food into valuable energy. While you can maintain a healthy biotin level by eating meat, eggs, fish, seeds, nuts, and some vegetables, many people choose to consume it in a daily supplement. 

The name “biotin” comes from the Greek word “biotos,” which means “sustenance” or “life-giving.” As a B vitamin, biotin offers a variety of health benefits. It can help maintain the health of your nervous system, liver, eyes, hair, and skin.

Health Benefits

Biotin helps maintain many of your body’s major systems. Like other B vitamins, biotin helps your body use enzymes and carries nutrients throughout the body.

In addition, biotin can provide the following health benefits:

Diabetes Management

Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition characterized by high blood sugar levels that leaves the insulin function impaired. A biotin deficiency can disrupt blood sugar, or glucose regulation. Some evidence shows blood biotin levels may be lower in people with diabetes. As per a study, biotin was found to lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, a severe form of diabetes. The results were achieved by combining biotin with chromium picolinate, a supplement form of chromium. In effect, biotin was shown to regulate blood sugar levels by preventing insulin resistance, which is a major step forward in controlling diabetes. Overall, more high quality research is needed to fully understand the effects of biotin on diabetes and blood sugar control.

Hair Health

Biotin is well known for its positive effects on hair. Research shows that biotin improves hair health — including shines, volume, and scalp coverage in women who experience thinning hair.  Even though biotin deficiencies are rare; when surfaced, it can lead to symptoms of hair loss or a scaly red rash. Biotin has been shown to regrow, repair and reduce hair fall significantly.

It helps to make your hair look thick, lush, healthy and shiny. One of the main benefits is Biotin promotes hair growth and healthy hair. In a 2015 double-blind placebo study, researchers took a sample group of women who had visible hair loss. Half of them were made to take nutritional supplements of B7 (or Biotin) and another half took a placebo twice per day for 90 days. Digital images of affected scalp area were compared from the beginning and end of the study. Their hair was also washed to see the amount of shredding. In conclusion, the women who took the B7 nutritional supplement experienced significant hair growth in affected areas and reduced hair fall. Most of these women continued to take the nutritional supplement even after 180 days and the results supported further hair growth and improved quality of hair. No adverse effects were documented in any of the individuals participating in the study. Biotin also helps improve the body’s keratine infrastructure. Keratine is the protein that makes up our hair, skin and nails.


Improved Skin and Fingernails

Research also shows that biotin helps improve skin’s hydration, smoothness, and appearance. In addition, some studies show that biotin can strengthen fingernails and make them grow faster. Biotin is a versatile addition to your beauty routine.

Prenatal Care

Biotin is also necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Studies show that a biotin deficiency — which is fairly common among women who are pregnant — can lead to health issues in developing babies. Because of this, women who are pregnant should regularly eat biotin-rich foods and should also consider taking biotin supplements.


If you want to see for yourself whether the benefits of biotin are real, you have a couple of options. As we said, many foods contain biotin, so if you’re considering biotin as a way to boost your hair care game, you may want to try adding these foods into your diet. Some examples of food that contain the most biotin, according to the NIH, are eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and sweet potatoes. And it doesn’t stop there—the Mayo Clinic states that biotin is also found in liver, cauliflower, carrots, bananas, and cereals.

Taking a biotin supplement is potentially the most popular way to introduce more biotin to your system, but you’ll want to ask your doctor or your dermatologist before you begin—everybody’s body is different and can react differently to supplements. In fact, whatever type of supplement biotin capsule, biotin tablets regimen you’re considering, it’d be wise to run it by a medical professional before starting. Supplements can’t take the place of a well-balanced diet, so if you don’t think you’re getting enough of a certain vitamin or mineral, talk to your doctor before buying and ingesting a supplement.

Using biotin shampoo and other hair care products formulated with biotin is another option you may have considered. Keep in mind, however, that most of the research on biotin for hair that does exist focuses on biotin supplements, not topical use.

Biotin hair lose capsule

You may recognize vitamin B7 by its popular name of biotin. It is a water-soluble B vitamin found naturally in some foods and also in supplements. Biotin plays a vital role in assisting enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in food. It also helps to regulate signals sent by cells and the activity of genes.

Biotin supplements are often glamorized as a treatment for hair loss and to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. Although a deficiency of biotin can certainly lead to hair loss and skin or nail problems, evidence showing a benefit of supplementation is inconclusive. A handful of case reports and small trials have shown a benefit, but the study designs had weaknesses: The diagnoses of the type of hair conditions varied or were not cited at all.

 Researchers have also noted that certain hair loss conditions like alopecia can resolve spontaneously without treatment, so it is not clear that biotin supplements specifically caused the regrowth.

Biotin supplements are available alone, combined in a supplement with B vitamins in form of biotin tablets , biotin capsules, or included in a multivitamin.

  • hair loss
  • brittle nails
  • seborrheic dermatitis, a skin condition that affects infants
  • diabetes
  • mild depression

Those with biotinidase deficiency usually start with a dose of 5 to 10 mg a day. Those without this genetic condition should first try to get enough biotin from the diet, as dietary biotin also enhances the intake of other beneficial nutrients that work alongside it. It is always best to get nutrients from dietary sources first, and then from supplements, if necessary, as a backup.

Roncuvita Biotin for hair growth

Also known as vitamin H, biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy.

The word “biotin” comes from the ancient Greek word “biotos,” which means “life” or “sustenance.” B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. Biotin is also a crucial nutrient Trusted Source during pregnancy, as it’s important for embryonic growth.

Most people get the biotin they need from eating a healthy diet, but there have been many claims that getting more biotin can regulate your blood sugar, promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, and help pregnant moms have healthier babies. How much biotin is enough, where can you get it, and what can it really do for you?

Biotin is an essential vitamin—meaning that your body needs this micronutrient to function properly. The biotin you consume in foods helps your body to turn the food you eat (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) into energy.

Taking a Biotin tablets or Biotin capsule as a supplement is likely effective for treating biotin deficiency. But many health products boost other health claims related to biotin supplement consumption and many of these health benefits have not been supported by scientific evidence.

Biotin for hair growth

Biotin for Hair Growth

So does taking a biotin supplement makes your hair grow faster or fuller? There isn’t enough evidence to rate biotin’s effectiveness in the treatment of hair loss,1 according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Manufacturers claim that shampoo, conditioner, and hair oils, masks, or creams containing biotin can thicken hair, increase fullness, and add shine. Despite these claims, there are no scientific studies to show that biotin shampoo or any other hair product can make your hair grow faster or thicker.

Other possible benefits of biotin include the treatment of:

  • Brittle finger or toenails
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetic nerve pain
  • Muscular sclerosis
  • Diabetic nerve pain

Biotin Supplement for hair growth

Biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H) is a water-soluble vitamin that serves as an essential cofactor for carboxylase enzymes in multiple metabolic pathways. Due to its relatively low cost and abundance of availability in cosmetic products, biotin has become the new trend for consumers wishing to have longer, healthier hair and nails. Biotin deficiency can be either acquired or congenital. Though an acquired biotin deficiency is possible, it is still rare. A commonly documented cause of acquired biotin deficiency is secondary to increased raw egg consumption. The protein avidin, found in raw egg whites, can be denatured through cooking, but when uncooked, this protein binds to biotin tightly preventing it from being used as an essential cofactor.
Biotin is found in small amounts in food. “Foods that contain biotin are liver, cauliflower, salmon, carrots, bananas, soy flour, yeast, wheat germ, whole-grain cereals, whole wheat bread, eggs, dairy products, nuts, Swiss chard and chicken,”

“Biotin is important for hair loss, skin and nails.”Low levels of biotin can lead to brittle nails and thinning hair. There is some evidence that biotin supplements can help prevent hair thinning, especially if you are deficient. Taking a biotin supplement is not likely to be harmful and may improve hair quality.”
B7 may also be helpful in the treatment of diabetes. A study found that a treatment that combines chromium picolinate and B7 improves glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes. High doses of biotin were also found helpful in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, a symptom of diabetes. 

Biotin hair growth capsule

Biotin hair growth capsule

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that’s a part of the vitamin B family. It’s also known as vitamin H. Your body needs biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

biotin Hair Supplement

If you aren’t getting enough biotin, you may experience hair loss or a scaly red rash. However, a deficiency is rare. In most cases, the biotin you get from your diet is enough for you to reap the health benefits it offers.

Still, many people are increasing their intake in hopes of additional benefits. Keep reading to find out how to add biotin to your diet, what to look for in a biotin supplement, possible side effects, and more.
Biotin-rich foods to eat
You’re probably already getting the daily recommended amount of biotin from the food you eat. But if you’d like to increase your intake, you can add more biotin-rich foods into your diet.

Heat can reduce biotin’s efficacy, so opt for raw or minimally-processed dishes. The amount of biotin can vary from food to food, too, so be sure to read the nutritional information whenever possible. This can help you select items with the most biotin for your buck.


Biotin deficiency can occur in people who drink alcohol excessively or consume a great deal of raw egg white (which contains avidin, a protein that blocks the absorption of biotin).1 Two or more uncooked egg whites daily for several months has been known to result in biotin deficiency.

Genetic disorders of biotin deficiency (such as biotinidase deficiency), renal dialysis, and smoking may also increase your need for biotin. Since biotin is produced in the intestines, people with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the intestines may not be able to adequately produce biotin.

If you notice any symptoms of deficiency, consult your health care provider. Symptoms include:

  • Thinning of the hair
  • Brittle nails
  • Dry skin
  • A red scaly rash (especially around the eyes, nose, and mouth)
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Hallucinations
  • Numbness and tingling of the arms and legs

Biotin supplements
if you don’t think you’re getting enough biotin from your diet, or if you’re just looking to up your dosage, supplements may be an option.

Biotin supplements are available over the counter in capsule or biotin tablets form. You can find a great selection of biotin for hair loss supplements here

Other benefits of biotin

Although more research is needed to assess its effects on hair growth, biotin does have several proven benefits.

For example, biotin is one of several B vitamins that supports a healthy metabolism. Biotin converts glucose from carbohydrates into energy for the body and aids amino acids in carrying out normal bodily functions.

Biotin is also thought to:

  • reduce inflammation
  • improve cognitive function
  • help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes
  • increase “good” HDL cholesterol and decrease “bad” LDL cholesterol